new hands and new handles!The nature of the show is that THE puppets ARE seemINGLY made from old foam and cardboard, whICH is true, however beneath these materials are proper joints and mechanisms. This was the case FOR EVERYTHING EXCEPT from the hands of the puppets which were carved purely from foam. We constantly found that they tore during the performance and would only last a limited number of performances. To ensure this does not happen again we gave the hands armatures. These armatures consisted of a small piece of 5mm plywood with wire to maintain shape and webbing running through to ensure strength. These were then sandwiched with two layers of thin foam giving the same aesthetic. For the puppet, Ned, we went to town a little more giving him individual fingers as his hands were a bigger than the others. We used exactly the same process: creating the armature with wood and wire, then sandwiching with two layers of thin foam and then trimmed to shape.
INTO CONSTRUCTION WEEK...Due to performing the show over the last two years we have got to know our puppets very well. Their strengths and weakness, how they move and also what can be improved. Tabletop puppetry ideally works with 3 puppeteers; one on THE feet, one on THE HIPS and ONE LEFT/RIGHT hand AND FINALLY one on head and RIGHT/LEFT hand. With just 2 of us in the show sometimes it's difficult to get the full range of movement as with 3 puppeteers. One of the most difficult elements in supporting the hips and shoulders wAS GROUNDING THE PUPPET AS Our puppets had rods out the back of their heads. Therefore we changed the puppets that had these to a mechanism which sits underneath the shoulders. This meant the head puppeteer could control SIMULTANEOUSLY THE HEAD AND the shoulders giving the puppet more stability all the way down it’s “spine”. We then added a trigger linked with piano wire rather than string to the head to ensure its stability due to most our puppets being thrown around during the show.
‘The Black Hoods Cabaret’ gets a deep clean from Will |